Saturday, May 14, 2016

Random Phone Pictures

I finally took some of the pictures off of my phone. Here are a few of them:

Our friend, Sarah, hooked J
up with Braves gear

J went through a stage where she slept sitting
up to make sure that she didn't miss anything. 

She is known for this Resting "Baby" Face

She didn't appreciate the visiting fans cheering
 for the other team and she let them know it. 

Sibling love

Daddy and J hanging out at soccer

Daddy/daughter love

Watching soccer practice on a beautiful day

Filling out his NCAA bracket

Hanging out with our dear friend, Avery

Someone just learned that they can pull up
on the train table. Things are about to get
 real in this house. 

9 Months

What have you been up to? 

You have started crawling! Once you figured it out, you picked up your speed pretty quickly. You still don't like to be left alone in a room and instead of crawling to find us, you just sit in the room and cry until we come back.

At around 9 1/2 months you finally got some teeth. We had a few rough nights and then three teeth broke through (2 on the bottom, one on the top). We are hoping that your second top tooth comes in pretty soon. You look a little silly with just one on the top!

We started you on table food and now you think you are too good for baby food. If we try to feed you food from a jar, you refuse to open your mouth. Other than that, you are a really great eater.

Have we talked about how strong-willed you are lately? Well, you are. You like for things to go your way and if they don't, you get very angry. You aren't too fond of many people and are still pretty attached to your momma. It's a good thing you're cute...

8 Months

What have you been up to? 

Right now, you lack any motivation to crawl. If it isn't close to you, then you play with something else that is within your reach. You are great going from a laying down position to sitting up and can even do it without using your hands (basically, you do sit-ups all day, so your ab muscles are amazing). If you really need to get somewhere, you just roll until you get there. 

You are becoming more picky about your baby food. You have decided that you only want the meats (chicken noodle, vegetable beef, apple chicken). Those are the foods that smell the worst, so I can't believe that you choose those over the sweet smelling fruits. 

No teeth yet but finally getting a little bit of hair :)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

7 months

Beckett vs. Jensen

What have you been up to? 

Seven months was a difficult one for you. You continue to not like anything or anyone and your attachment to mom has become even stronger (which I didn't even think was possible). You don't allow me to walk out of the room and if anyone even speaks to you, you begin crying and hold on to me for dear life. I find myself apologizing to everyone that says hello and using the phrase "it's not you, it's her" several times a day. If I walk out of the your sight, you scream, but as soon as I am back in the room you turn it off. Your dad is both impressed and frustrated with how quickly your attitude can change. 

Thankfully, you are still in love with your brother. You laugh at everything he does, but he is the only one who can earn your laughter. You really make him feel special and he tells every store cashier how you like him the best. 

You have absolutely no motivation to crawl. If something is out of reach, you just let it go and play with something closer by. You eat really well and we have started you on some table/finger foods. Even when your screaming, you will still stuff your face with food. 

You are still struggling with sleep. We have been letting you cry it out, but you scream for a really long time. You wake up crying a few times a night when you realize that I am not by your side. 

As long as you are attached to my hip, you are perfectly content with life. 

Here's to hoping for an easier 8 months :)

Friday, January 15, 2016

6 months

Beckett vs Jensen

What have you been up to? 

Definitely not sleeping. Your sleeping has gone downhill in the last few months. There was a time when you were a fantastic sleeper. But, those days are long gone. You never really recovered from Thanksgiving, so I'm not sure if we just really jacked up your schedule or if this is just a brutal battle with sleep regression, or maybe a mixture of both. You still really like to sleep, but you wake up several times during the night. It will probably improve again the week before you start teething...

Things you like: Beckett

Things you don't like: people, places, things, your crib, your room, diaper changes, baths, church nursery, car rides, socks, shoes, being alone, being in a crowd, etc etc etc

You are so stubborn. You like things a certain way and if you don't get what you want, you scream. I have been called out of church the past two Sundays because of your screaming tantrums. I can't leave the room without you crying. You want me in your sight at all times and are terrified of being left alone. I took you to daycare for a few hours this week to try to get you used to being away from me for a little while. The first day you stayed for 4 hours and spent most of that time in the front office with the director. When I walked in, she was answering the phones and you were chewing on the phone cord. You were pretty proud of yourself for running the place. The second time was a little better. They said that you were happier (it could be because they fed you 5 times in 3 hours, but since it kept you from crying and kept them from calling me, I really didn't care). Hopefully we will see some improvement in the nursery this weekend!

You absolutely love your brother. You laugh at every single thing he does. He is pretty fond of you, too. You are just now starting to get into his toys, so we will see how that affects your relationship.

So, in conclusion, it is a really good thing that you are so darn cute.

5 months

Beckett vs Jensen

What have you been up to?

You rode on your first airplane on your 5 month birthday. You weren't as thrilled to fly as your brother was. We took an evening flight and you attempted to sleep through the flight, but the pilot spoke loudly over the intercom and it woke you up several times. By the end of the flight you were a little frustrated with being unable to sleep, so you let the entire plane know about it. You weren't bad, just cried a few times. It could have been better, but it could have been much worse. We spent the night in a hotel and you slept through the second flight.

You chew on everything and drool constantly. You suck on all of your fingers and your big toes.

You learned to roll over. You aren't really a people person. You like to party from a distance. You don't mind watching the party, but prefer not to be in the middle of it. You really enjoy food.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

4 months

Beckett vs. Jensen

What have you been up to?

You are a pro at holding your head up and can sit up really well with little assistance, so the doctor recommended starting you on foods. You have really enjoyed trying out the new foods and we haven't found anything that you don't like yet.

You love Beckett and start smiling and looking for him as soon as you hear his voice. He can easily make you laugh, while you make the rest of us work really hard for them.

You like to smile, but can go from smiling to screaming in a quick second. You have a pretty wicked stink eye that you give to the majority of the people that you meet. You have a pretty concerned face most of the time.

This has been one of my favorite months so far. I love how you are starting to interact and respond the world around you.